Friday, October 7, 2011

PTA Reflections Program

Cultural Arts-PTA Reflections Program
2011-2012 Theme: Diversity Means
The purpose of this program is to provide an opportunity for our students to use their creative talents by
expressing themselves through their own original works! This year’s theme: Diversity Means!
There are 6 categories to choose from:
Film/Video Production Dance Choreography Music Composition
You be the producer!!! You be the choreographer! You be the composer!
Produce your own film Wear costumes and dance! Compose a song
Animate, narrate, direct
5 minute DVD 5 Minute CD or audio cassette
5 minute video, DVD or CD
Literature Visual Arts Photography
You be the author
You be the artist!
You be the photographer!
Write a poem, short story Draw, paint or make a Snap a picture, display a photo
Song lyrics or play collage a collage of photos
Please go to
your student’s work of art. Specific rules are provided as well as a consent form and official entry form.
Specific rules for each art category are also on website and MUST be followed so the entry will not be
disqualified! Forms may also be found in the front office.
ALL students will be recognized and artwork will be displayed! for the required forms that must be turned in with
Deadline is NOVEMBER 4, 2011.
Questions, contact Carolyn Robertson, Cultural Arts Chairman,

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